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The Ministry of Energy clarifies its procedures related to the Audit Bureau report

Amman, January 16 - The Director of the Internal Control Unit at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Abdul Halim Al-Abadi, confirmed regarding the only observation contained in the Audit Bureau’s report for the year 2022 regarding the delay in offering tenders, canceling some of them, and re-offering.

Al-Abadi explained in a press statement today, Tuesday, that there was only one note recorded in the Audit Bureau’s report for the year 2022 that was recorded during the Corona pandemic and related to tenders in the ministry, because there were not sufficient offers received for the two mentioned tenders in the report that fit the required specifications in order to reach appropriate prices and high specifications, and the response was received on the observation according to official letters dated 8/11/2023, to finalize of the clarification.

Al-Abadi stated that with regard to committees and tenders, a broadcasting circular was issued to all committees in the ministry to adhere to specific dates for submitting and closing tenders, in compliance with the government procurement system.

Al-Abadi explained that the reasons that led to the failure to record any violations in the Audit Bureau’s report are due to the role played by the Ministry’s Internal Control Unit in preserving public money and ensuring its proper use, the integrity of administrative decisions, procedures and processes that achieve the desired goals, and its contribution to establishing good governance. By performing the role assigned to it as a monitor of all the Ministry’s work, including various projects and committees, as well as supervising the administrative and financial operations that are implemented in accordance with the applicable laws, regulations and instructions, by submitting a monthly financial and administrative report to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources.

Al-Abadi pointed out that all organizational units in the ministry achieve governance requirements in their work through their commitment to the legislation regulating the work of government institutions.

Al-Abadi stressed the keenness of the senior management, represented by H.E the Minister and H.E the Secretary-General, to direct the organizational departments in the Ministry to implement the observations of the Internal Control Unit and follow up on their implementation in subsequent reports, as the departments showed high commitment and cooperation in following up on the directives of the Internal Control Unit.


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