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Is there a discount on the prices of geophysical services provided by the Ministry?

Yes, there are discounts on the service as following :-

  • 50% incentive discount for official universities and scientific research students with an official letter from the university for scientific research purposes.
  • 20% incentive discount for ministries, public sector institutions and non-profit research bodies.
  • 10% incentive discount for the private sector if the quantity of required measurements exceeds 10 times the minimum approved for each measurement in the price table.
  • 20% special discount in case of measurements are requested without processing, without explanation and without issuing a technical report.

What are the prices of seismic information and studies?

To know the prices of seismic information and studies / natural earthquakes"

What are the conditions to benefit from the project of installing solar cell systems connected to the electrical grid for military personnel or widows of military personnel?

The applicant must be a military veteran who was injured during wartime, military operations, while on official duty, or during their service.
The applicant must own the property where the solar cell system will be installed, regardless of whether the property is located within or outside the organization
If the property is a multi-unit building, the applicant must provide written consent from all residents of the building to install the solar cell system.

When will the installation of solar cells be completed at the expense of the rural electricity fund for customers who meet the conditions of obtaining the service?

If the request is complete with the required documents and meets the requirements of the relevant electricity company, and the beneficiary is free from any financial obligations to the company, then the installation will be from the date of completion of the requirements of the electricity distribution company and the beneficiary obtaining the initial approval for the installation of the system.

Can I get the topographic maps?

Topographic maps cannot be obtained from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources because they are not from the Ministry's specialization but the Royal Jordanian Geographic Center specialization.

What are the installed capacities of Renewable Energy Projects in Jordan?

installed capacities are 2681 MW by the end of 2023 . 
Divided to 2067 MW Solar PV projects , and 614 MW Wind projects. 
Also when considering commercial projects it was 1498 MW by PPA & 1183 MW on net-metering & wheeling schemes. 

To view the whole Renewable energy projects  Click Here

What are the main Renewable energy projects in Jordan and information about it ?

To view the Renewable energy projects in Jordan Click Here

What are the measurements of solar radiation and wind speeds in different parts of the kingdom?

To view the solar map in Jordan Click Here

To view the wind map in Jordan Click Here

What are the mechanisms for investing in and submit proposals to develop commercial renewable energy projects?

The commercial projects for various renewable energy sources are introduced according to the electricity system's needs, as defined in the comprehensive plan for the electricity system to achieve the objectives outlined in the Energy Sector Strategy (2020-2030) to reach a capacity of 3200 megawatts by 2030. It's worth noting that progress in these projects is managed through competitive rounds.

What are the main pillars for the analysis of the Jordanian energy system
  • Security
  •  Affordability
  • Sustainability
  • Exploitation of Indigenous Resources

What is the accepted scenario in Jordan Energy Strategy (2020 - 2030)?

The accepted scenario is (High dependency) scenario.

What are the targets of Renewable Energy shares in Primary Energy Supply mix and in the Electricity Mix based on the Strategy for the years (2020 & 2030)?
  • in 2020 Renewable Energy shares in Primary Energy Supply was 11%.
  • and Based on the strategy it's expected to reach 14% in 2030.
  • However in 2022 it has reached (14%).
  • While for RE share in Electricity mix it was 21% in 2020; and 27% in 2022.

Do you have maps for soil and water layers ?

The Ministry does not have this type of maps, because it is not within the Ministry's jurisdiction.

Why don't we reach 100% renewable energy to cover the Kingdom's electricity consumption in light of its low prices?
  • Renewable energy is not considered basic units and cannot be relied upon to cover consumption around the clock.
  • Renewable energy is volatile and unstable and needs support from basic units to maintain the stability of the network.
  • In light of the development in enhancing electrical interconnection projects and the development and decline in storage prices, the increase in the contribution of renewable energy to the electrical energy mix is ​​being reconsidered.

Can I get a discount when purchasing geological maps?

Yes, the discount can be obtained according to the following:-

  • An incentive discount of (50%) for official universities and scientific research students with an official letter from the university.
  • Ministries, public sector institutions and non-profit research bodies receive an incentive discount of (20%) of the prices.
  • Border maps, half or part of which are within the Kingdom, are calculated with a discount of (50%) of the price announced in the services guide

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