Connecting the electric current to the approved categories (inside/outside organization borders).
Targeted categories
Service recipients from the Jordanian citizens according to the categories and bases approved for connecting the electric current at expense of the rural fils.
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources/Main offices, Office of electrifying the northern territory countryside, office of electrifying the southern territory countryside and electrifying Mafraq and Sharkeya countryside.
According to the bases approved by the Council of Ministers, namely:
- The community shall be located outside the organization borders for the cities and villages, where there are electricity networks executed by electricity distribution companies.
- The plot, where the houses are constructed shall be owned by the state, unless there is an approved authorization from the state.
- There shall be regulatory plan for the site duly approved and shows the organization's borders, road width, where all houses are located. The width of the roads, where the low voltage networks can be established on the same, may not be less than (4) meters. They shall be included in the region and regulatory approved and may not supply any networks established in the private property.
- Connecting the electric current at expense of the rural fils for the communities at least 3 independent and adjacent houses and they needs electric networks (medium voltage, transformation station as well as low voltage poles), unless there are technical hindrances and the expense of each house may not exceed (6000) Dinars.
- If there are any private or government projects or military site within the community included in the project or near to the same and if these entities have desire to benefit from the transformation station established by the project, an agreement shall be concluded with them on participating with the difference of price of the transformer, provided that the transformer shall be with capacity higher than the capacity determined for such community according to the services' prices.
- Approving the standard of the poor families instead of the Poverty Locations based upon recommendation from Ministry of Social Development, which shall depend upon bases to be set by the Ministry of Social Development and Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation and according to the MOU signed on 16.05.2012 with Ministry of Social Development regarding the connection of the electric current to the houses, which are subject to the bases with maximum expense of (6000 Dinars).
- Connecting the electric current at expense of the Rural fils for the farms that have artesian wells, provided that all permits shall be procured by the Ministries and concerned government authorities and according to the principles. The Rural fils shall participate with expense of (12000 Dinars) in case of connecting the electric current from the existing electricity network with participation percentage not more than 50% from the actual expenses of the site or participation estimated in an amount of (20000) Dinars in case of using photovoltaic solar energy units, provided that the participation may not be more than 75% of the actual participation of the site. The participation of Rural fils for the artesian wells of the associations, whether charitable or cooperative shall be in percentage of 100% in case of not using the solar energy units and 50% in case of connecting the electric current from the existing electric network and according to the determinants agreed upon by (Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Ministry of Social Development, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and according to the MOU concluded with National Center for Energy Research.
- Connecting the electric current at expense of rural fils to the individual houses located outside the organization at expense not more than 6000 Dinars.
According to the resolutions of the supreme steering committee, namely:
- Allowing the project management to approve the shop drawings (executive plans) that contain the total actual expense in the amount approved by the committee in percentage of (15%) and the excess shall be re-presented to the supreme steering committee.
- The organization capacity shall be considered for each rural, agricultural and greenhouses "inside the organization borders" and they shall have their regulatory provisions.
- The organization capacity shall be considered for the agricultural units in Jordan Valley, which is "outside the organization borders”.
- Joint examination by the concerned persons at Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and distribution companies according to the privilege regions, provided that the examination result shall be approved by the representatives of both parties.
- Signing the works lists required to be presented to the committee by the concerned engineering and the concerned head of division .
- Excluding the cases that need the extension of a one-voltage pole only inside the plot of the subscriber from application of regulating road according to the principles.
- Compliance with executing the sites and receiving the same according to the value agree upon by the supreme steering committee and restriction to its resolutions related to the same and any increase in the expense shall be paid by the beneficiaries.
- Defining the house "that it has Construction Permit, occupancy permit and it is built on the columns and ceiling and the coating is complete. It shall consist at least from one room, kitchen and bathroom with area about (35) meters for the building with height not less than 2.5m).
- The concerned persons at Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources shall ensure the availability of the regulatory roads for the sites of the beneficiaries from connecting the electric current to their sites legally before presenting the same to the committee.
- Approving the connecting of the electric current to the house located outside the organization and subject to the bases, so that the house shall be defined with maximum of (6000) Dinars and it shall not exceed the last pole of the transformer (1200 m).
- It shall be considered that the distance between the last house, to which the electric current is intended to be connected, from the transformation station may not be more than (1200 m) and the transaction may not be accepted for submittal to the supreme steering committee except by consent of the concerned distribution company according to the privilege region.
- In case of requesting, the connection of the electric current to house registered in name of an entity and a lease to own contract is concluded regarding the same, there is no objection to connect the electric power to this plot in case of providing all bases and technical conditions approved in this regard.
- The houses of the non-Jordanian shall be calculated for purposes of counting and not expense, if this may not contradict with the laws and instructions of the council of ministers.
- The applications of connecting the electric current to leased plots owned by treasury of Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan may be approved, provided that an authorization shall be provided from the Council of Ministers according to the principles for the beneficiary to connect the electric current to the site.
- Requesting the beneficiaries to refer to the electricity distribution companies according to the privilege regions to refer to the concerned company to determine the location of the transformation station and thus reducing the subsequent objections and ensuring the quick execution.
- In case of failure to enable the distribution companies to install transformer 25 kVA for the beneficiaries for service of the beneficiaries, the existing transformer shall be transferred, so that it may not exceed the expense determined for such purpose taking into account studying and presenting a detailed report on each case.
- Approving the accounting for the sites located outside the organization and they are served by networks located inside the organization on basis of the regulatory capacity of each party.
- The distribution companies shall present monthly work progress report according to the unified form of the report priory approved by the supreme steering committee.
- Accepting the approval of period of two months as of date of approving the design plans on part of Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources as performance indicator for the sites that the electricity distribution companies have been entrusted with executing the same.
- Not to remove the materials installed at expense of the rural fils, except after informing the concerned persons at directorate of electricity and rural electrification, agreeing with them and reinstalling the electric networks for the locations executed at expense of rural fils at time of reference of any of the concerned persons and completing the conditions of connecting the electric current to their houses at expenses of the electricity distribution companies and as per the specification for which the accounting is made.
- Approving the design plans presented by the distribution companies in general which include the design of transferring capacity of 25 kva, one phase, so that the lower expense shall be approved in comparison with the needs of the ordinary design in way serves the beneficiary (houses, farms that have artesian wells priority approved as agricultural units and have pools for agricultural purposes.
- Approving the fulfillment of the subscription fees (meter) for the houses to be served at expense of Rural fils across the kingdom.
- Ensuring the approval of the functional housing of these regions outside borders of the organization taking into account the implementation of the approved bases for connecting the electric current at expense of the Rural fils.
- Requesting the customers to continuously present original up-to-date copies of the documents of the sites, to which the electric current desired to be connected.
- Department of rural electrification shall perform the necessary examination of the sites, to which the electric current desired to be connected. After ensuring the conformity thereof to the applicable bases, it shall send the same to the distribution committee concerned with the execution to carry out the required design and determine the real quantities necessary for executing the site. Thereafter, the countryside department shall present the same to the supreme steering committee to request the approval on the execution.
- Considering that, the basis shall be applicable when approving the design drawings.
Required documents
Site plan
All mentioned documents original copies valid for six months at lease excluding the occupancy permit and the license, as the original shall be matched with the copy and signed by the person in charge of the region or head of division of following up projects of countryside electrification. Provided that the occupancy permit shall be valid for six months.
Plots plan
Deed of registration
Occupancy permit
Construction license
Social case study from Ministry of Social Development.
For the houses located inside the organization borders.
Valid well license
For the farms that have artesian wells.
NPC for connecting the electric current from water authority
Regulatory board
For all applications of connecting the electric current to be presented to the supreme steering committee
Copy of the beneficiary's ID Card:
Procedures of rendering the service
Procedure No. (1): receiving the customers, receiving the applications and performing the field examination:
- Receiving the applications of connecting the current to the citizens accompanied with the required documents according to the classification of the transaction for the beneficiary categories mentioned above.
- The concerned persons at division of following up the projects of rural electrification and the subsidiary offices shall audit the documents and register the arraignment according to the form approved by directorate countryside electrification. In case of failure to complete the documents, the concerned person shall be contacted.
- The concerned persons shall make the office study of the received transactions based upon the approved bases considering the following:
- Determining the beneficiary category according to the nature of transaction and the presented documents according to the following:
- Individual houses located outside the organization.
- Poor families based on social case study.
- Sites include artesian wells.
- Other case not subject to the bases.
- The joint field examination with representative of company of electric power according to the forms approved at Directorate of Electricity and Countryside electrification.
- Preparing the report of the joint field examination with company of electricity according to the approved forms and signing the same from the engineer/surveyor in charge of the region, electricity Distribution Company’s representative according to the privilege region and the territory president. Such report shall be presented to division of following up projects of Rural electrification accompanied with the recommendations according to the approved bases.
- The division of following up projects of Rural electrification shall review and audit the conformity of the field examination with the general bases of the category under study and the presented documents. It shall determine whether there is need for performing joint audit examination or not.
- In case of need for joint audit examination, the approved form shall be filled and the transactions shall be collected and scheduled according to the entrusted team with the program schedule for division of following up projects of Countryside electrification.
- The team of joint audit examination shall prepare the report for the site and determine the differences (if any) and present the same for approval by director of Directorate of Electricity and Rural electrification and copy shall be referred to the region's engineer to give the opinion in case of difference and completing the procedures.
- Recommendation with the apology or presenting the sites in conformity with the bases to the supreme steering committee after approval of director of Electricity and Rural electrification and taking the suitable resolution regarding connecting the electric current to the site.
- Duly approval of the minute, after convening the meeting of the supreme steering committee and informing the beneficiaries according to the minute regarding the approval or apology using (SMS, apology notices, telephone, apology letter for the official authorities and uploading the minute on the ministry's website).
Procedure No. (2): Approving the design plans:
- Receiving and registering the design plans on part of division of following up projects of Rural electrification for all concerned territories taking into account the territory of electrifying the Northern and southern Countryside by providing tables show the plans received from the distribution companies according to the privilege regions.
- Auditing the plans for purposes of approving the design by the concerned parties in the territories including the confirmation that all documents are available and in conformity with the approvals, bases and approved policies. The following shall be performed:
- If the bases approved by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral resources are applicable, the need whether to make the field examination or not shall be determined and report thereby shall be presented.
- If the transaction needs field examination, the transactions shall be scheduled according to the time program of the concerned division and the divisions. This shall be made accompanied with the recommendations.
- In case of in-applicability of the bases and unavailability of the required documents, the transaction shall be studied, the suitable resolution shall be taken and the concerned persons shall be notified.
2. Division of following up the projects of rural electrification shall review the documents and field audit examination according to the needs. In such case, it shall be ensured that the bases are applicable and the following procedures are completed:
- Preparing the table of quantities.
- Comparing the deign quantities and estimative quantities and registering them, recording the remarks, showing the increase or decrease percentage according to the clauses.
- In case of returning the design, the previous table shall be retained with adding the new design on the same form.
- If all documents aren’t available, the beneficiary(ies) shall be contracted to brought the necessary document and present report to division of following up the projects of rural electrification shows the status of the transaction.
- Referring the transaction to director of electricity and rural electrification and then referring it for approval of the secretary general.
- The concerned persons at division of following up the projects of rural electrification shall receive the transaction from the secretary general office to perform the following:
- Registering the transaction.
- Referring the transaction to the distribution company according to the privilege region.
- Ensuring that the main performance indicators and the related operational indicators are registered.
- Presenting quarterly report includes the main performance indicators and the related operational indicators.
- Providing the divisions and divisions with copies of the approved design plans and the performance indicators.
- Archiving the design plans within the transaction originally and electronically.
Procedure No. (3): receiving the locations executed by the distribution companies that have privilege and auditing the financial claims:
- Division of following up the projects of rural electrification shall receive the financial claims from the distribution companies according to the privilege regions and it shall do the following:
- Preparing records of receiving and discharging the tables of summarizing the receipt books inclusive the revision and audit of the financial requirements according to the approvals, previous minutes, design plans, table of contents and site images.
- Sending the prepared tables to the division's heads and members of the auditing committee's members before proceeding in the subsequent procedures.
- Reviewing the presented time schedule with the distribution companies for the regions and determining the number in each of them in agreement with the performance indicators for such purpose and preparing the necessary commission.
- Updating the data partially for the sites to show the executed and not taken over sites.
- Presenting the receipt minutes and related tables to the committee entrusted with the receipt according to the approved commission, including the following:
- Ensuring that the related minutes books and tables are filled and audited with the previous approvals, table of quantities, authentications and approved bases. Any remarks shall be shown.
- Ensuring the completion of filling the tables of summary of the receipt books.
- Presenting the receipt books and summary of the tables to the technical division with coverage book shows any deviations from the approvals and approved bases after ensuring the duly signature thereof.
- Division of following up the projects of rural electrification shall audit the receipt books and signed tables and it shall verity the correctness of the data and referring the same to the projects accounts division to perform the necessary procedures and return the same to Division of following up the projects of countryside electrification.
- Taking over the receipt books from the division of projects accounting, signing the same by the division of following up the project and sending them to Department of Financial Affairs.
- Division of following up the projects of rural electrification shall audit and review any received remarks inclusive updating the database, so that the sites shall become executed and taken over. Such remarks shall be referred to director of electricity and rural electrification shall and referred to division of projects accounting to do the necessary regarding the preparation of the financial clearance .
- Division of following up the projects of rural electrification shall receive and review the financial clearance from the projects accounting division. It shall review and determine any remarks and shall present the same to director of electricity and countryside electrification.
- Division of following up the projects of rural electrification shall receive the report of financial situation periodically from the projects accounting division. It shall review and audit the same and present report accompanied with the recommendations to director of electricity and rural electrification to take the necessary procedures.
- Reviewing and approving the financial situation by director of electricity and countryside electrification.
- Submittal to the supreme steering committee according to the time schedule and meeting's agenda.
Procedure No. (4): Auditing the financial claim and preparing the clearance with the distribution companies that have privilege:
- Receiving and auditing the power selling lists with the cash percentages approved by the authority to know the value of the revenue for the distribution company according to the privilege regions.
- The projects accounting division shall receive the books of receipt minutes from division of following up the projects of rural electrification and the following shall be made:
- Auditing the minutes book in terms of completeness of all documents and availability of all data (Cable type, the presence of voltages, signatures are complete ... etc.).
- Calculating the value of the received items and table of prices of each financial claim.
- Matching the approved quantities with the design plans of the executed sites considering the approvals for any differences, so that it may not exceed the permitted limit (15%).
- In case of inconformity of the quantities, the receipt minute shall be returned to the division of following up the projects of rural electrification to re-submit the same to the supreme steering committee or to the taking over committee to show the opinion.
- The receipt minutes shall be signed by the head of projects accounting division, head of projects following up division, financial director, director of electricity and rural electrification after matching the materials as well as the expenses of the received and executed projects with the company that has privilege according to the privilege regions with the previous approvals.
- The projects accounting division shall prepare the financial situation after limiting the value of the payments paid by the company in preparation for submittal to the supreme steering committee and preparing the financial clearance.
- Division of following up projects of rural electrification that has the privilege with copy the receipt minutes after approving the same by all authorities.
- Preparing the financial clearance initially signed by the division's head.
- Auditing the financial clearance by head of projects accounting division and sending the same to the financial director and thus to director of electricity and rural electrification to sign the same.
- Sending the financial clearance to the company that have the privilege to sign the same and then returning it to the Ministry of Energy to approve the same by the Secretary General and Minister of Energy.
- The value of the stamps value on the executed works shall be calculated and official letter shall be prepared for addressing the company that has the privilege to pay the fees value.
- Sending the financial clearance to the auditor for submittal.
- Keeping the papers of the financial clearance.
Partners in rendering the service
- Distribution companies according to the privilege regions.
- Ministry of Social Development
- Ministry of Municipal Affairs
Service fees
Time taken for executing the service
At least two months