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Services Guide

Geological surveys.


Targeted  categories

Scientific research organizations, centers of geological and engineering studies in both private and public sectors.


Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.





Required documents

Official letter addressed to the ministry


Procedures of rendering the service

  1. The official letter shall be referred to the Directorate of Geology/Department of Geological Surveys.
  2. The Service recipient shall pay the imposed fees on the service to the Directorate of Finance/Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. The finance receipt shall be handed over to the Directorate of Geology.
  3. The directorate shall perform the required surveys and prepare the required report.
  4. The report shall be handed over to the competent authority.


Partners in rendering the service



Service fees

From 1000 to 2000 Dinars per each 1 kg according to the scale.


Time taken for executing the service

According to the required area and scale.


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